After breakfast, my frens n I walk to chinese school~ ^^
On the way, we were so nervous n happy!
DIY camp was start after we changed our 30 hours famine T-shirt. :D
We r group No.4...My group members r..
*Xiaostop (dai dai lou)
*Si Ping ( dai lou [leader])
*Freida [my sis] (so lucky rite? XD)
*sait ling (my fren)
*Kim wah
*Wei Xiong
*Pei Yi [from Bidor]
*Jia Xin [from Bidor]
This photo show whn we design our own 'house' ,shoes n cloth...

Next game was really amusing!!
We have to follow the instruction on a paper n start the game...
The games were so difficult .... example: blow balloon til the balloon burst, put both of legs into a box of cold water to find some thing, make clay, etc....
wow~ it was so interesting! Very thx for them who think alot of games ^^
At nite, after we took bath n rest, we watched movie n sang karaoke! :D
Whn sleep time, it was really funny!
They r abit noisy lo~ xD
So....we doesnt sleep very well n keep making noise there whn everyone already slept.... xD (unforgettable)
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