We go to Sait Ling's house. ( for me: I just go to ply with Money)
It's a Labrador Retriever too.. same with my Gorden ^^
When Money zai grow big ^^
KarShi,Sait Ling n me were plying with Money happily just nw...
Other frens got a litterbit scare of Money.. so they doesn't ply with Money.
When I saw Money zai, I think of my Gorden ...
Suddenly miss my Gorden so much...
It same like Gorden...
Naughty, Active, like to eat &.... :')
I didn't see Gorden anymore since 21 December 2008......
...Now Gorden is 2 years 5 month old....
2 years ago.......
Where is my Gorden nw?
Does Gorden live well everyday?
Does Gorden still remember us?
I doesn't..know...
Just nw, when I'm plying with Money...,
I hope Gorden is waiting for me at home...
I hope every evening we can jogging together...
This dream will Certainly Not realized anymore......
(My Mood: Sad)
U can be a dog trainer when u grow up.^^