Finally ,my new chapter of life .
I need to fill in my blank pages with happiness.
And I believed that I can do it.
I have been waiting for the arrival of the day.
But when the day comes, I got really nervous and worried.
First day was kinda scary as I still dont know anyone of them.
Second day , it was day for campus hunt.
I made quite lots of friends on that day as I was not afraid anymore.
I was doing everything alone ... I'm so glad that I did it. Since I was so worried that I'm not able to stay alone .
Class started, it was fun to learn sketching in a design studio.
It's like my dream came true.
So far so good... Everything goes smooth.
I'm so lucky that I met nice people and lecturers.
Drive to university is my goal now. Gonna practise more after my lisence done.
After knowing some friends who drive to school... Started asking friend to fetch me when no one couldn't make it.
Feel bad and sorry as I don't wanna give tiehrs trouble....
Most of my friends draw very well as they were art students. Come on.. I'm from pure science...
Well.. I never learn sketching. It's just my hobby ....
I hope I'm not the weakest in the class.....
I knew some of them were from pure science too... But they still did well. Cool.
After going to university, the optimistic side of mine appears and the negative side of mine no longer appear . That's why I used to say I love busy life and I do not enjoy lifeless life.
Tiny conclusion
I just wanna have new friends of mine.. I need to be socialize.. lol