It's the first time that someone brought me out to celebrate my birthday.
You baked me my favorite oreo cheese cake, you drove me to sky dining to watch night view, you surprised me by showing up infront of my condo and wished me Happy birthday...
I never thought of I'd have someone who would do these to me...it's too dramatic for me and I thought girl like me would never have a chance to experience these. Thanks for making it happened.

To be honest, I felt so bad for not dressing well, as you expected the birthday girl would have wear a dress or at least heels. I admit that I have no sense for these. I honestly thought that we would just have a simple dinner together and that's it. Because I'll never expect more.
It's my coolest birthday ever cuz no one had done this to me before, I can say.
You don't need to feel sorry for ruining my day ,you actually did made my day a lot brighter.

We had a nice talk that day. Surprisingly, I never know that you actually know my existence before we met. Even though I still wondering whether it's truth or not... but I'd like to say, I appreciate that.
You opened up to me , told me what's your concern and worries..
And I found out that we're actually worrying bout the same things.
Maybe what you said was right, we met at the wrong time.
We both don't know where are we going to be in the next few months...
Anyhow, you're still gonna leave 2 months later.
Sometimes, we can't just make decision following our hearts when our mind disagrees.
I understood how hopeless it can be.
One has analytical thought involved and one has intuitive feelings involved.
Logic or Emotional response ?
I guess by the time, you'll follow your mind.
Because when emotions take over on decision making, it's not wise anymore..
I know you had consider a long-term vision by putting aside your feelings and thought wisely, otherwise you wouldn't come out with these thinking.
Maybe... we should just follow the flow, follow the path where God leads us to... and see what's going to happen after this.
Day- 35